Designation: Managing Director, Trilemma Impact Investments

Hulisani Neswiswi started her career in the financial services sector where she was recruited by Liberty Group as a part of their graduate programme where she grew to become responsible for their SADC business development for their Health Insurance products and then lead their corporate accounts management for Africa and the emerging markets. She was responsible for negotiating new business across the products the group owned with a focus on government and large scale businesses in 17 markets across Africa. Hulisani then left the corporate sector to work in private equity in a business she co-funded with other private equity service investors. She grew the business to provide private equity finance for projects in the energy mining and construction sectors along with projects transaction advisory services while co-developing an insurance product to manage short term transactional risk in Africa. She exited the business after successfully taking the business through multiple equity transactions but the highlight which was the creation of a small business credit product finance solution that extended short term credit finance SMME’s with a focus on women owned businesses. Through that program women owned businesses were able to finance and formalise their micro enterprises, and many were able to grow their micro enterprises into formal businesses some of whom are still operating and employing people within their local communities. She is currently within Met Bank as the Partner responsible project finance and Private equity transactions with a focus on infrastructure projects.

Hulisani has been profiled as one of South Africa’s influential women in business and government and she sits on the boards of Solarswop and Trilemma Impact who service the Energy and financial services industries. She is a passionate advocate for women and the development of inclusive and sustainable practices within the financial services spaces.